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Article: An N-terminal deletion variant of HCN1 in the epileptic WAG/Rij strain modulates HCN current densities.

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Wemhöner K; Kanyshkova T; Silbernagel N; Fernandez-Orth J; Bittner S; Kiper AK; Rinné S; Netter MF; Meuth SG; Budde T; Decher N
Front Mol Neurosci, 2015

Studies of Ih and HCN channels in thalamocortical relay neurons of rat (WAG/Rij; GAERS) and mouse (HCN2-/- knock-out) models of Absence epilepsy.

Reference Animal Tissue Expression
HCN1 HCN2 HCN3 HCN4 V1/2 Amplitude cAMP sensitivity τ act
Kanyshkova et al., 2012 WAG/Rij versus ACI TC relay neurons (dLGN, P90; VB, P30) Prot. (dLGN) / = Prot. (VB) const. (↑) Prot. on P7 const. -7.9 mV (dLGN) -3 mV (VB) ~1.5-fold (dLGN) Reduced Faster
Budde et al., 2005 WAG/Rij versus ACI TC relay (dLGN, P16–29) mRNA and Prot. (dLGN) const. const. const. -5.2 mV (dLGN) -2.8 mV (VB) Not analyzed systematically Reduced Faster
Strauss et al., 2004 WAG/Rij versus ACI and Wistar Pyramidal (layers 2–3) somatosensory cortex ccc Prot. / = mRNA const. const. const. +9 mV (somatic) ~0.5-fold (somatic) n.t. Slower
Kole et al., 2007 WAG/Rij versus Wistar Pyramidal (layer 5) somatosensory cortex Prot. (68%) const. n.t. n.t. const. (dendritic) ~0.5-fold (dendritic) n.t. n.t.
Ludwig et al., 2003 HCN2-/- mouse TC relay neurons and hippocampus const. -/- const. const. -27 mV (TC) -2 mV (CA) 80% (TC) 39% (CA) Reduced n.t.
Cain et al., 2014 GAERS versus NEC TC relay neurons (VB, P7–P150) Prot. (VB) const. Prot. (VB) const. const. ~2-fold n.t. n.t.
Kuisle et al., 2006 GAERS versus NEC TC relay neurons (VB, 19–24 days, 3–8 months) mRNA (VB, NRT) const. n.t. const. const. const. Reduced n.t.
CA pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus; const. = constant; dLGN = dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus; GAERS = Genetic Absence Epilepsy in Rats from Strasbourg; NEC = non-epileptic controls; NRT = Nucleus reticularis thalami; n.t. = not tested; Prot. = Protein; TC = thalamocortical; VB = ventrobasal thalamic complex; ‘↑’ = up-regulated; ‘↓’ = down-regulation; ‘ = ’ = not regulated. hippocampus ↓46%, neocortex ↓21%, cerebellum ↓57%.

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